Intellectual Property and
Technology Law

Joachim Künsch

Dipl. Ing. FH (Construction Engineering)
European Patent Attorney, Liechtenstein and Swiss Patent Attorney, European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner3, 4, 7, 8

Joachim Künsch studied civil engineering at the technical school in Chur after completing his apprenticeship as a draughtsman. After completing his postgraduate studies in intellectual property at the ETH Zurich, he started working as a patent attorney in a patent law firm in Bern more than 25 years ago and then worked for several years in the patent department of an international industrial company in Schaan (Liechtenstein). There he worked on inventions not only in the field of civil engineering, but also in the fields of mechanical engineering, automation, and electrical engineering. Subsequently, Joachim Künsch worked for several years as the managing director of a Liechtenstein patent law firm before setting up his own firm in 2020. In recent years, Joachim Künsch has also been working on inventions in the food and transport industries as well as digitalisation, in addition to his previous areas of expertise. In addition, trademarks, designs and licences are another field of activity of Joachim Künsch.

Joachim Künsch values the personal exchange with clients to work out a national or international IP strategy tailored to their needs. In doing so, he brings his many years of experience - including practical experience - from industry and commerce to bear. Joachim Künsch advises and represents start-ups, SMEs and industrial companies. In addition to drafting and defending IP rights in various fields of technology (e.g., medical technology, electrical engineering, construction), his expertise lies in optimising the entire IP protection.

He is a professional representative before the European Patent Office (EPO) and, as a Liechtenstein patent attorney, also entitled to represent before the European Trademark and Design Office (EUIPO). Joachim Künsch also represents clients before the Swiss Patent and Trademark Office (IGE) and is authorised to represent clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and the Austrian Patent and Trademark Office (ÖPA).

Joachim Künsch has been an external lecturer at the ZHAW in the CAS programme IP Paralegal since 2020.

He has also been a committee member of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI) for Liechtenstein for several years. In addition, Joachim Künsch serves as President of the Swiss Group of UNION-IP. 


  • Patents, Trademarks, Designs
  • IP Consulting
  • Licence
  • IP-Strategies/IP-Budget

Career and education

2020  Founder/owner/ managing director of IPrime Künsch Patentanwälte LLC, Triesen, Liechtenstein

2016 Patent attorney (LI / CH) / managing director (COO) of a patent law firm in Liechtenstein

2016 Admission to represent to the European Trademark and Design Office (EUIPO)

2009 Patent attorney (CH/ LI ab 2014) / managing director ad interim of a patent law firm in Liechtenstein

2014 Admission as Liechtenstein patent attorney

2008 Admission as European patent attorney

2002 Patent engineer for an international company in Liechtenstein

1999 Patent engineer for a patent law firm in Bern, Switzerland

1998 Post graduate study «Intellectual Property» ETH, Zurich

1989 Study civil engineering (Dipl. Bauingenieur FH, Chur)

Publications and lectures

  • Einheitspatent – Erste Auswirkungen für die Schweiz, KMU-Magazin, Horn 07-08/2023, Joachim Künsch and Raphael Zingg


Vaduz, Liechtenstein


  • German
  • English
  • Italian


  • EPI (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)
  • LES (Lisensing Executives Society - the specialist association for licensinig, technology transfers and intellectual property)
  • LIPAV (Association of Patent Attorneys in Liechtenstein)
  • Swiss Engineering STV (professional association of engineers and architects in Switzerland)
  • UNION-IP (Union of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property)
  • VESPA (Association of European and Swiss Patent Attorneys in private practice)
  • VPP (Association of Specialists in Industrial Property Protection [in Germany])

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3 Not admitted to the bar
4 European Patent Attorney
7 European Trademark and Design Attorney
8 Liechtenstein and Swiss Patent Attorney
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