Intellectual Property and
Technology Law

Alfred Neuhold

Dr. techn., Dipl. Ing. (Techn. Physics), Ing. (Electrical Engineering)
European Patent Attorney, Swiss Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator3, 4, 8

Alfred Neuhold studied engineering physics at Graz University of Technology, specialising in solid-state physics, particularly in organic electronics, and subsequently obtained a doctorate in this field. In addition, he has a sound HTL education in electrical engineering and energy technology. Alfred Neuhold worked for several years as an industrial patent engineer in an SME in Graz in the field of analytical instruments for laboratories, process analysis technology, and customised automation and robotics solutions. In recent years, Alfred Neuhold has been working on intellectual property rights for computer-implemented inventions, especially in the blockchain technology field.

Alfred Neuhold values personal interaction with clients and advises and represents start-ups and SMEs on tailored national and international IP strategies, with expertise in drafting and defending IP rights in the fields of medical technology, electrical engineering, metrology, physics (optics, nanotechnology), process analysis technology and computer-implemented inventions.

He is a professional representative before the European Patent Office, the Swiss Patent and Trademark Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office. Alfred Neuhold speaks German, English and Spanish. Since 2023, he has been an admitted European Patent Litigator before the European Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Alfred Neuhold is the author/co-author of numerous scientific publications and completed several research stays at various particle accelerators in Europe and the USA during his doctoral studies.


Since 2022, he has been an External Lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein in the Master's program Entrepreneurship & Management as a Startup Lab Coach.


  • Patents, Trademarks, Designs
  • Inventor consulting
  • IP-Strategies/IP-Budget

Career and education

2023 European Patent Litigator at IPrime Künsch Patentanwälte GmbH

2021 Patent attorney (CH) and European Patent Attorney at IPrime Künsch Patentanwälte GmbH

2021 Patent attorney (CH) in private practice in Liechtenstein

2021 European Patent Attorney in private practice in Liechtenstein

2016 Patent Attorney Candidate in private practice in Liechtenstein

2012 Inhouse patent engineer in a SME in Graz in the field of electrical engineering

2009 Scientific stuff at Graz university of Technology

2003 Spar time employee in an SME in Graz in the field of energy technology

Publication and lectures

  • Einheitspatent – Was Schweizer KMU beachten müssen, KMU-Magazin, Horn 05/2023, Alfred Neuhold and Otto Martin Willy Bertschinger
  • Das neue Einheitspatent – Wirtschaft regional, Volksblatt Liechtenstein, Vaduz, 06/2023, Alfred Neuhold




  • German
  • English
  • Castellano

  • EPI (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)
  • INGRES (Swiss Association for Intellectual Property Law)
  • IP Network Austria
  • JCI (Junior Chamber International)
  • LES (Lisensing Executives Society - the specialist association for licensinig, technology transfers and intellectual property)
  • LIPAV (Association of Patent Attorneys in Liechtenstein)
  • UNION-IP (Union of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property)
  • VESPA (Association of European and Swiss Patent Attorneys in private practice)
  • VPP (Association of Specialists in Industrial Property Protection [in Germany])

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3 Not admitted to the bar
4 European Patent Attorney
8 Liechtenstein and Swiss Patent Attorney
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