Intellectual Property and
Technology Law

Yukun Zong

Dr. iur., LL.M.
China Desk Coordinator 3

As a China Desk coordinator, Yukun Zong advises clients on various IP-related matters and has broad experience in supporting Chinese and European clients on issues vital to their business. She has adept knowledge of PCT proceedings, proceedings before EPO, and Swiss patent proceedings.

Her further areas of expertise are the law of evidence and international procedural law. Yukun Zong specializes in international legal matters, particularly in the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and decisions in China.

Career and education

2023 China Desk coordinator in IPrime Rentsch Kaelin AG

2021 Patent paralegal in IPrime Rentsch Kaelin AG

2021 Lecturer at the University of Lucerne

2021 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, CAS Compliance Officer

2019 Lecturer at the University of Tübingen

2019 China Desk intern in an international law firm in Hamburg

2017 Research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law

2017 Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Dissertation (magna cum laude)

2008 China University of Political Science and Law, LL.M.

2007 Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, LL.M.

2003 Hebei University of Economics and Business, LL.B.

Publications and lectures

  • Das chinesische Vertrags- und Deliktsrecht im Lichte der Rechtsrezeption, Vortrag am 10.05.2021, Universität Basel, Yukun Zong
  • Die Rechtsrezeption in China und das neue chinesische Zivilgesetzbuch, Vortrag am 25.11.2020, Universität Basel, Yukun Zong 
  • Länderbericht Volksrepublik China, Internationaler Rechtsverkehr in Zivil- und Handelssachen, München 2019, Hrsg. Geimer/Schütze, Eckart Brödermann, Björn Etgen und Yukun Zong
  • Beweisverwertungsverbote im Strafverfahren – Rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen, US-amerikanischen und chinesischen Recht, Diss., Berlin 2018, Yukun Zong




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3 Not admitted to the bar
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